Friday, February 8, 2008

Practical Flathead Catfishing Tips

Do you love catfishing? Flathead catfish are one of the most sought-after species today. Do you know what the flathead catfish are and why they are so popular? The flathead has many distinguishing features that make them easy to recognize. For instance, they have a pastel yellow color to their abdomen and normally they will have black or brown spots on their sides and a light brown back. They actually got their name from the shape of their heads, which appears to be mostly flat with a projected lower jaw. Unlike other types of catfish their tail fin has more of a straight edge and they are slightly notched.

The flathead catfish are a private type of species by nature and tend to claim the area in which they choose to live. You probably want see competitor fish in the area. They put up a fierce fight and to catch them you need to have a strategy that will appeal to this type of fish, plus a lot of patience. There is no way around the fact the Flathead prefer live fish for their meals so, if you really want to catch this species you need to be willing to fish with live bait.

Type of Gear Needed to Catch Flatheads and the Best Fishing Method

You will have better luck catching the flathead catfish if you use equipment that is suited for this species. For example, the catfish has a wide mouth so using larger than normal hooks will work great. In fact, many anglers use a size 7 or 8 hook when fishing for the flathead. Have a variety of sinkers available and a good sturdy rod because a good size flathead can put up quite a struggle.

Different methods can be used when fishing for flatheads with a good amount of success. For example, using throw-lines, bank poles and jugs can help you catch your share of flatheads. You can also fish for flatheads the old fashioned way with a rod and reel. Just make sure you have good equipment and that you are prepared for the fight that they will surely put up. Many anglers prefer this method because it makes fishing more exciting when you are reeling this species in on a line.

Have you ever used a flathead set? If not, then you don't know what you are missing because it is one of the best methods used to catch flatheads. You will need to know how to construct your own flathead set. Therefore, if you do not have anyone to teach you how to do this you can always turn to the Internet and Google the keywords how to make flathead sets and you will be able to find step by step instructions. Once you have your flathead sets ready to go, you will be ready to place them in the appropriate areas of the water.

They work the best when you place them around brush, grassy areas, trees, stumps and other places bass tend to hang out. They can be placed anywhere in shallow water or up to around twenty-five feet deep. The depth will depend on the season and the type of water you are fishing, which are the factors that will determine where the flathead is most likely to be. You may need to practice using flathead sets for awhile before you get really good at using them.

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Crappie Fishing In North Carolina Tips and Techniques

Whether you live in North Carolina or just visiting, if you are interested in going fishing for crappy you are in luck. You can find this species of fish just about anywhere. There are a number of different lakes you can visit scattered all over the state where you can try your hand at crappie fishing.

Crappies are divided into two varieties called black and white crappie and both have the ability to adapt to most all environments. The black crappies seem to prefer the deep waters found in some of the larger lakes and are located mostly in the northern states. The white crappie are more dominate in the southern states and can be found in mostly quite and remote places.

Techniques Used for Crappie Fishing

There are four main ways to fish for crappie that work very well. They are called drifting, casting, still-fishing and trolling. Below is a brief description of all four.

* Drifting - This technique is not only a great way to catch crappie but it is also very relaxing. All you need to do is have your equipment ready and fish while the boat is slowly drifting along with the current of the water. For the best results you need to slowly lift up the tip of the rod and then quickly drop it back, it's a very simple technique.

* Casting - A casting rod is designed as a flexible fishing rod because it will need to bend when you will use your arm, hand and wrist to make the cast in the direction you are aiming. When done correctly the cast will land in a specific spot of your choice every time. Start by facing the target and placing your body at an angle. Hold down the release button while bringing the rod to an upright position. You will notice the rod bending from the weight and at this time flip your wrist to send the rod forward. This will cause the rod to bend in front of you and this is when you let go of the release button. It may take a little practice but with time you will cast like a professional.

* Still-fishing - This technique is very simple as it just refers to doing your fishing from a secured position. It could be a boat that is anchored in one place or it could refer to fishing from a bank, dock or fishing peer. When still-fishing you are actually waiting for the fish to come to you instead of going out searching for them. Therefore, it requires more patience than other methods.

* Trolling - Trolling is done by aligning several rods in a row and placing the same bait line and hook on each one. Make sure you check the regulations for using this technique before you do it because the laws are different in every area.

The Best Time to Go Crappie Fishing

As with most any species of fish the best time to catch crappie is when they are spawning in the spring. They tend to dwell under stumps, brush, logs and any other covering man made or natural. During the late evening and early morning you will find the crappie near the top of the water. However, as the sun comes out and starts warming things up they begin to go deeper into the water again. At night they normally go back to the deeper water but some may still feed during this time.

The best bait to use to catch these fish includes live bait, small crappie lures, crappie jigs or anything that imitate worms, minnows and insects. You will need to see how aggressive the fish are to determine how fast you can move the bait around. In other words, if they are very aggressive then you can move faster but if they seem sluggish then you need to move slower.

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The Best Catfish Baits Available Today

Catfish are one of the most sought after species by anglers everywhere. This is partly because they put up such a great fight that it makes fishing exciting and fun. There is no better feeling than reeling in that big one after several minutes of dealing with them fighting hard. It makes fishing more challenging and rewarding when you have to actually work for the catch. Another reason catfish is so popular is because they are said to make a delicious meal. They are certainly worth the effort you put into catching them.

Catfish eat a wide variety of different types of bait so you do have a lot of choices that will all work very well. It is always a good idea to have a variety of bait on all trips so you can switch off if you are not having any luck with a specific kind on any given day. Occasionally, the catfish will be picky and prefer one over the other so it never hurts to be prepared. This way you never have to worry about coming home empty handed.

Here are a few of the best catfish baits available and when the best time to use them would normally be:

* Minnows - Minnows are very good bait when used for catching catfish any time of the year. It doesn't matter if they are alive or dead they still work great. You can use them in shallow or deep water and they work well for any technique you choose to use.

* Worms - When you talk about using worms for bait it normally refers to night crawlers that can be found in most any bait shop or to the average garden worm that you can dig up yourself in your own back yard. Either one works extremely well in the early spring when the fish are getting ready to spawn and in the winter. Using a weight to help the bait stay closer to the bottom will help catch some of the larger fish that feed off the bottom of the water. Worms will also work great when Carolina jigging for catfish.

* Shrimp Bait - Shrimp has been around for many years and it is still recommended for catching catfish. It is the prefect bait to use when you are fishing in strong currents or when casting long distances. They also work very well when drift fishing. Normally, you will get the best results when using them in the first part of spring to late fall but they can be used at other times as well.

* Crawfish - Catfish really seem to go for crawfish in many areas. If you have never given this type of bait a try, you should take some with you on your next trip to see how well it works for you. This bait also seems to work best from early spring to late fall and they can be purchased from most any bait shop. You will find that you can't get a better catfish bait than this one when fishing in the smaller rivers and creeks.

* Artificial Bait - Many anglers feel that artificial bait is the best you can use when catfishing. There are a lot of reasons why so many people feel this way. For example, it is a fact that artificial lures are easier to pack up and take with you anytime you are ready for a fishing trip. They can be stored away fast and easy and they are always available. You never have to worry about keeping them fresh and all you need to do to care for them is clean them after each use. They are definitely much cleaner than live bait and they can help an angler enhance his or her catfishing skills. They can be used in all conditions and any time of the year.

* Chicken livers - Did you know that catfish love chicken livers? That is why it is rated one of the best catfish baits available. This bait has a very strong meaty smell that grabs the attention of the catfish and draws them towards it. Chicken livers work great any time you use them. If you have been fishing for awhile without a bite, you will need to change your bait because after about twenty minutes they start to lose their appeal.

* Shad - If you are trying to catch big catfish, then you need to give shad a try. The biggest fish require a big meal because they won't waste their time with small bait. Shad is the perfect choice for catching large catfish and it will work great when fishing some of the larger rivers and reservoirs.

These are the main baits that are used by anglers when fishing for catfish. There are others available and you may even have your own special bait that produces well for you every time you go out. Still, these are some great choices that you are sure to have lots of success when using. Good luck catfishing!

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Tips for Louisiana Saltwater Fishing

If you are in Louisiana and searching for the best saltwater fishing spot you will be happy to know you have several places to choose from. It is always a good idea to plan your fishing trips in advance so you can be sure everything runs smoothly. This way you can make sure you have a hotel near the lake you want to fish along with restaurants of your choice. Three of the best lakes in Louisiana to go saltwater fishing are Lake Lafitte, Lake Charles and Lake Calcasieu.

One great way to enjoy Louisiana saltwater fishing is by booking a charter service to carry you out to the best fishing spots on the lakes. Of course, you always have the option of going out on your own but if you are unfamiliar with the area you may have better luck with a guide that leads you to all the hotspots.

Two of the main fish species anglers go after when saltwater fishing in Louisiana is the redfish and the speckled trout. These species are now a lot more plentiful than they use to be. They have had time to grow and multiply since the gill nets were banned and the limit laws where put into effect several years back. This also means that you will have the opportunity to catch some really big fish that you can be proud of.

Where to Find Redfish and How to Catch Them

The redfish is one of the most popular fish that anglers search for when Louisiana saltwater fishing. If you are interested in fishing from the banks you will find that the Cameron Beaches provide some of the best spots around. These beaches stretch for approximately sixty miles and you will have a chance to catch some enormous redfish anywhere up and down this area.

You can also find redfish in the marshes of Barataria, Lafourche and Terrebonne estuaries or similar areas because they love this type of habitat as well. You will find that the redfish like to eat shrimp, liver, finger mullets, mullet chunks, squid and live croakers just to name a few. Basically, if it leaves a scent in the water they will chase it.

The best techniques for catching redfish are to use a light to medium spinning or casting tackle and fish in areas where they tend to gather such as junctions where bait fish can be found. You can also have good luck when fishing deep holes and bends, waterways and at the openings at bayous. Most anglers use fifteen to twenty pound test line and a standard bottom fishing rig with a swivel, leader, hook and sinker attached. However, keep in mind that redfish can be very moody and will only bite when they feel like it no matter what you do.

Where to Find Speckled Trout and Techniques for Catching Them

If the famous speckled trout is what you seek, then you have several choices depending on whether or not you are searching for trophy fish or fishing for fun. Some of the largest speckled trout are found in the Mississippi River and Lake Pontchartrain, Sabine and the Calcasieu Lake. It is possible to catch large speckled trout near the end of March or through late fall but the best time to trophy fish is from the middle of May to the middle of June.

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Types of Inshore Saltwater Fishing and Useful Techniques

What is inshore saltwater fishing and how is it different from freshwater fishing? Inshore saltwater fishing involves fishing for a wide variety of species such as the catfish, eel, mackerel, barracuda, cod, redfish, snook, pompano, tuna and spotted sea trout to name a few. This type of fishing is done from the edge of beaches, fishing peers and places that are easily accessed by small boats and canoes. The best places to search for saltwater fish when on a boat is bays and inlets, along banks and ledges and anywhere you find natural or man-made cover.

When you go saltwater fishing you will need to have the right equipment to get the most from your trips. Saltwater can be a lot rougher than freshwater so you need sturdy rods, reels and lines to hold up to this type of environment. Many times the tide can be very strong and it can easily break your line and in some conditions even snap a rod. These are a few of the reasons you need heavy duty equipment that will hold up to this type of environment.

Another thing that makes saltwater fishing different from freshwater is the fact that the saltwater and air can do a lot of damage to your equipment. It can eat away at your gear and cause serious damage. Therefore, you need to make sure you have the right gear that is suited for this type of environment so it will hold up better and longer.

There are different types of inshore saltwater fishing and you will need to determine which type you plan on doing before you head out. The reason for this is so you can be prepared and take along everything you need to ensure you have best fishing adventures possible. You will need to match your equipment for the areas where you plan on fishing. This is necessary because inshore saltwater fishing off of a pier or along the beach will require different gear than fishing from a boat.

Your equipment does need to be stronger and heavier than what you would use in freshwater but the type of equipment and tackle needed will also depend on the type of fishing you intend to do. For example, if you are after the smaller species, then use a light to medium fishing rod with ten pound quality line on a spinning reel. Normally, when fishing for larger fish you will want the rod to be around eight to nine feet long.

Quality is important for both your rod and reel to prevent the salt air and the current of the waters from causing damage. When choosing your reels the stainless steel, titanium or fiber ones hold up the best in saltwater. Spinning reels is also recommended for inshore saltwater fishing along with ten pound test monofilament lines. These not only hold up better in this type of environment but they are also great for reeling in some pretty good size fish.

For medium to heavy saltwater fishing you will need heavier equipment to handle the larger species such as bluefish, redfish and the Spanish mackerel. These fish can be found in estuaries and bay areas when inshore saltwater fishing. Using a heavier weight in your lines should also be considered. When it comes to the type of reel that would be best for saltwater fishing the Spinfisher SSm, Abu Garcia Cardinal C3, Daiwa BG-15 Spinning Reels, Penn Slammer 460 Spinning Reels and the Quantum Inshore XT Spinning Reels are among the most highly recommended today.

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The Many Advantages of Crappie Ice Fishing

Crappie ice fishing is becoming more and more popular all the time. It is a very exciting way to fish that has a totally different feeling than you could ever get from any other type of fishing. It can be done in both the daytime and the nighttime; whichever you one choose, just make sure you use caution at all times when ice fishing to ensure your safety. After all, nighttime is when the crappie is usually in search of food but it is also the most dangerous time to fish for the fisherman. There are dangers and accidents which are more common at night, particularly when ice fishing.

Becoming properly prepared will help prevent many accidents or problems which can occur while crappie ice fishing. When ice fishing for crappie, you need to have an idea of where to start searching or you will spend all your time drilling holes and looking for the fish. That would be defeating the purpose and take the excitement out of the whole trip. Therefore, you need to have an idea where to start. Normally, the crappie can be found in water that is approximately thirty feet deep. However, they may be deeper or closer to the surface depending on the total depth of the water. It is important for you to know how deep to fish to get the best results and save yourself some time. This is why having special equipment to help you find the fish is simply a good idea.

When crappie ice fishing there are several pieces of equipment that can make a big difference and help you get the results you are after. One item that is highly recommended is a fish finder that can help you locate the crappie much faster. This will save you a lot of time and energy finding the fish so you can spend more time actually catching the crappie instead of searching for them. Sonar and other modern equipment like the "Vexilar FL-8" can also make ice fishing an even more productive experience.

Knowing where the fish are and how deep they are located will also help you know which technique would be the best to use. Your goal is to present the bait to them directly so they will not have to chase after it or search for it. If you are to far down below the crappie they will not take the bait. The same is true if you are to far above them. However, if you can start from below them and pull it up through the middle of the crappie and continue with a bobbing motion, then you can attract their attention and you will get bites.

When fishing first ice, some of the best places to look are frozen over ponds, small lakes and rivers. You do need to be very careful and avoid thin ice that could break through causing many problems. Normally, these smaller areas are the home to many decent size crappies because there are so many weeds and other vegetation here for the fish to feed off of. However, after the colder air sets in and it gets deeper into the winter months there is less oxygen in these waters so, there will be fewer fish. This is when you need to move out to deeper waters.

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Walleye Fishing In Missouri

Fishing for walleye in Missouri is going to give you some great adventures and tales to tell. A few places to fish in Missouri are Taneycomo, Table Rock Lake, Smithville Lake, Black River and Stockton Lake and the Big River. By knowing about the lakes and what the locals are using to fish these lakes, you will have a better idea of what you need to have and what method to use to catch your share of walleye. Missouri does have some great walleye fishing lakes and some rivers as well. If you need to no the fishing report the day you plan to fish, the local bait shops can advise you on what is working that day and were the walleye are hiding.

When you use the right bait and other equipment, you will have a better time fishing for walleye in these areas. Missouri does have some hot spots, but you need to talk to some of the locals who can tell you other areas and techniques that they use to fish the walleye in the Missouri waters. Following the fishing reports is a good way to find out where and when the fishing is good. Conditions change so much in Missouri that it is hard to pinpoint one specific time year after year and from day to day as well.

Stockton Lake is known for producing some nice size walleye using a jigging spoon or a plain old jig. You might even use a chartreuse colored lure on a fifty pound super braided test line. You can even catch walleye all winter long in about fifty to sixty feet of water using a Hopkins spoon. Just look for the areas with lots of shad, bluffs and rock piles. During the summer and spring as well as fall, you can fish in about eighteen to thirty feet of water and find the walleye. It is best by the Greenfield area. During the warm weather, you can use a bottom bouncer with a minnow or night crawler.

Black River is another great place to fish for walleye. If you are fishing the rocky areas, a night crawler on a leadhead is great. In most cases, the planer boards work well with spinner rigs. During the spawning season in spring, you want to fish by the rocky areas. The lake has a great shad population that helps to feed the walleye and make them a good healthy weight. When you are fishing from shore near the riprap, you can use shallow or floating running bait. Anglers recommend keeping the smaller males and leaving the larger females to spawn for future generations of walleye. Fish are taken from Black River for transplanting in other lakes and rivers.

Table Rock Lake has many underwater habitats for walleye. When the lake was built, they never cleared the trees and other deadfall under the water, which has made a nice home for walleye. The shad in the lake allows the walleye to feed and grow to good-sized fish. Many anglers use the drop and sink method in this lake. They sit right above the deadfall and drop right into the middle of the school of shad coming up with a fish. This is a nice resort area and does not have a lot of boat activity, which makes it a nice fishing spot.

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Reviews of Crappie Fishing Rods

When you become a serious angler you know that the fishing rod you choose can mean the difference between having a great fishing day and having a bad one. If your fishing rod can not live up to its expectations, then it pulls the rest of your equipment down with it. You need to make sure that the crappie fishing rod you choose will not hinder your efforts when fishing for that big one. You need a rod that provides you with the catch of the day instead of the story about the big one that got away. Below are some crappie fishing rod reviews that will help you decide which rods will be best for you.

The B'n'M Ultimate Crappie Rod

The B'n'M Ultimate Crappie Rod is designed especially for catching crappie, walleye or bass because you can cast, flip or jig with it. You can even rig for live baiting action or for jigging. It is a very strong rod that provides excellent tip action. You can buy either the 8ft or 10 ft rod. What most anglers like the best about this particular rod is that even though it is strong enough to haul in the big fish, it is also sensitive enough so you can feel live bait wiggling on the hook. Many anglers agree it is a great buy as you can tell by the five start rating it has received.

The Ozark Crappie Spinning Rod

The Ozark Crappie Spinning Rod is made from a lightweight IM7 graphite structure. It has a cork handle with stainless steel guides. It is a great rod for spin fishing and the distance it will cast is really good. You will find that it is also a very sensitive rod while still being strong enough to haul in large fish. This makes the Ozark Crappie Spinning Rod great for trying to catch even the largest crappie. These rods received a five star rating as well.

Quantum Xtralite XP Crappie Rod

If you are a serious angler that is searching for a rod that can withstand the test of time, you will love the Quantum Xtralite XP crappie Rod. It was designed by Todd Huckabee and can provide you with three techniques for crappie fishing. Therefore, they are great for dipping, rigging and trolling. They are designed with graphite blanks and reel seats. This rod has a natural cork and fantastic ultralight action that you will simple fall in love with.

Ozark Rod Co. Crappie Rear Seat Jigging Rods

If you are in need of a jigging rod this one is a great choice. It is designed with stainless steel guides and a cork handle. The rear reel seat makes it possible to balance the rod so you have more control over it. It can be broken down into two pieces so it is much easier to carry around than the original length rods made for jigging. This one received a five star rating from anglers that have had the opportunity to give it a try.

Ozark Crappie Slow Trolling Rod

If you do a lot of trolling when fishing you will find that the Ozark Crappie Slow Trolling Rod gives a great performance. Since you will find the need to use heavy sinkers from time to time, you need a rod strong enough to support this weight. This rod is designed with fiberglass E-Glass to make it stronger. As you know it can be difficult to know when a crappie is taking the bait so this trolling rod is designed with colored tips to help out in this area. It also can be broken down into two pieces to make it simple to travel with and for easy storage.

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