Alabama has long been known for its Southern charm and hospitality so rest assured that you will find plenty of people to help you and point you in the right direction for any questions you might have, whether fishing or other activities you might be involved in while there.
A Diversity of Species to be Found
Are you an aficionado of night angling? Be prepared for some serious Flounder action. The tasty "flatfish" are bountiful on the sandbars of Mobile Bay. You can wade or approach quietly in a shallow draft vessel. The only other things you need are a lighting system and a gig. These rascals are experts at
camouflaging themselves with the sand, so look for the telltale hump with an eye.
There aren't too many fishing sights as exhilarating as watching a well-hooked Dolphin (also known in the restaurant as Mahi-Mahi or Dorado because exotic names warrant higher prices) leaping from the water displaying a rainbow of colors.
You can land the smaller ones, up to about ten pounds, close to shore from early May through October. The larger ones can be found farther out. The best way to locate Dolphin is to first locate a driftline (otherwise known as a "rip"). The driftline serves as structure for smaller bait fish and this is what the Dolphin prey on.
Once you've found one, look for action in the water and cast into it. This is where the real fishing begins. The trick is to leave that first fish on a stringer in the water. This will attract more of them and you can cast at your leisure.
More Shallow Water Angling
Do you like to fish shallow water? Alabama flats offer ample opportunity to land Redfish. These Reds like going shallow where they can feast on some of their favorite treats - small crustaceans.
To get up front and personal with this tasty fish wading is a good option, and the best way to get to the hot spots are by kayak or Florida flats-boats. Either way once you get there you'll have to find the fish.
Look for Reds that are "tailing", that is, swimming in water that is so shallow that their dorsal fins are out of the water waving around. This is a sure sign that they are feeding on small crabs and the like.
If you like a spinning reel, a gold spoon works well. If the flats are weedy, use a weedless rig or bait a hook with a live shrimp and toss it into the weeds. The Reds can find it by scent. But since Reds can be skittish, fly fishing is very effective. A low impact delivery armed with a small crab fly generally brings good results
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